Guide on Informatica Data Director – 2018
Following are the objectives of this topic:
i) Introduction to IDD.
ii) Describe IDD Architecture.
iii) Configure Subject Area and Child/Grandchild Subject Area.
iv) Configure IDD Lookups.
v) Configure IDD Data Cleansing.
vi) Configure IDD Search and Matching.
vii) Configure IDD Hierarchy Management.
Informatica Data Director (IDD)
It is a data governance application for Informatica MDM Hub that enables business users to effectively create, manage, consume, and monitor master data.
IDD Components
IDD Application
Main configuration and deployment unit for IDD.
This is what business users see when they launch and log into IDD.
IDD Configuration Manager
Web-based utility used to add, modify and manage IDD applications.
IDD Configuration Files
IDD configuration file (XML), resource bundles, localization message bundles, online help, and other auxiliary files.
These can be loaded of modified in the IDD configuration manager or exported and edited manually.
Subject Area:
Subject Area (Entity Type)
i) A subject area is a collection of data that should be treated as a unit from a business perspective.
ii) Has a single root record in a single base object.
iii) Has some number of child records.
Subject Area Group (BO)
i) A set of one or more subject areas that have the same base object at their root.
ii) For example, an ORS using a party model (a single base object representing different entity types) will have a subject area group (Party) with multiple subject areas (Person, Organization).
iii) Subject Area Group and Subject Area provide the high-level menus for navigating data in IDD application.
Subject Area
A Subject Area can have the following configurations.
i) Layout of form fields for primary object.
ii) Data cleansing/standardization/validation functions.
iii) Package for displaying search results.
iv) Data searching and matching ability.
v) Children and Grandchildren records.
Layout Configuration
Layout configuration allows you to choose which fields from the base object to include in the user interface and how to show each record.
Search Results Display Package
i) This package determines default table layout for search results.
ii) Primary table of package must be the same as primary table of subject area.
iii) If package contains joins to child tables, then it is possible for the package to return multiple rows.
Subject Area Relationships
a) IDD understands relationships within subject areas through the match paths that are configured in MDM.
A subject area can have the following types of relationships:
i) Child subject areas.
ii) Grandchild subject areas.
iii) Sibling references.
b) Child Subject Area – Type of Relationships:
i) One: Many – Logical one: one and one: Many
ii) Many: Many – Part-Of and Reference
c) Grandchild Subject Area – Type of Relationships:
i) One: Many Grandchild.
ii) Many: Many Grandchild.
IDD Data Cleansing:
Cleansing, Standardization, and Validation
i) IDD allows you to use cleanse functions already defined in MDM to cleanse, standardize and validate the input data.
ii) It is an optional feature for Subject Areas and Subject Area Child.
iii) It can include address standardization and validation.
iv) It can include data augmentation from other sources like D&B.
v) Each subject area or child subject area can have one cleanse function associated with it.
Validation Status
a) The cleanse function can reports if it is configured with the validationStatus output.
b) If validation errors are found, then the Save or Apply action does not proceed.
i) Format of the output is . separated by ‘;’
ii) Example: FIRST_NAME.canNotBeNull;IS_VALID_IND.invalidIndicator.
iii) columnName is the name of the input column that has a validation error.
iv) messageKey is a key to a message
c) messageKey value should be added in IDD application file
i) Format: validation_=Message Text
ii) Example: validation_canNotBeNull=This field cannot be empty
IDD Searching and Matching:
i) Search allows an end user to specify conditions for selecting data for review.
ii) A search can be based on data in the:
a) Primary Object Record.
b) Any of its Child Records.
c) Any records related via a Match path Component.
iii) Two types of searches are provided in IDD:
a) Basic Search.
b) Extended Search.
Basic Search
i) It is a SQL-based search that finds results using string pattern comparisons.
ii) Case-Sensitive.
iii) Can use any attributes from the Subject Area.
iv) Wildcards (% or *) can be used in the Search.
v) In the IDD application, the end-user can create their own Search template.
vi) When defining an IDD application you should create a default public search for each subject area.
Extended Search
Uses Match Engine to Search.
Searches are “fuzzy” i.e. will find records that are similar to input criteria, but that are not textually identical.
Match column must already be defined in MDM.
IDD Workflow and Tasks:
Following are the objectives of this topic:
Overview of Workflow and Tasks.
Describe Tasks and Task Types.
Describe Action and Action Types.
Task Notification and Assignment.
Workflow and Tasks:
a) Workflow represents the management of steps in a business process.
b) It specifies what tasks need to be done, in what order, and who has permission to perform each task.
c) Base Objects must have State Management enabled in the Schema.
d) IDD provides workflow support for:
i) Task creation and editing.
ii) Task assignment to users.
iii) Task approval or rejection.
A task represents a pre-defined step in a user’s business process which is executed by a particular role.
IDD comes with a set of pre-defined task types.
These can be modified and additional task types can also be added.
Pre-defined Tasks
The IDD default configuration includes seven pre-defined tasks.
The task definitions may be modified by the user and new tasks can be added as necessary.
An action has a specific effect on the base object being addressed by the task.
Multiple actions are possible for a task, but only one may be executed at a time.
Action Types and Actions
IDD comes with a set of pre-defined action types.
These Action Types are available across the various Task Types.
Assign Task
This action is not explicitly available to the user but is invoked when a task is created and a user assigned to task via the batch process and assignment daemon.
Action Types
Task Notification and Assignment
i) Task Notification Engine
Runs in the MDM Hub and sends email notifications to users on a configured internal.
ii) Task Assignment Engine.
Runs in the MDM Hub and periodically assigns any unassigned tasks to the configured users.
iii) file
a) Specify the Number of Hours between task notifications.
b) Specify the Number of Minutes between automated task assignments.
c) Specify the Maximum number of tasks automatically assigned to each user.
Security Access Manager (SAM):
Following are the objectives of this topic:
i) Overview of Security Access Manager (SAM).
ii) Describe Resources.
iii) Describe Privileges.
iv) Describe Roles.
v) Describe Users.
vi) Define Object and Task level Security.
vii) Define Data level Security.
Security Access Manager (SAM):
i) Informatica MDM’s comprehensive security framework.
ii) Enforces user authentication and access authorization.
iii) SAM applies primarily to users of third-party applications and Informatica Data Director (IDD) wanting to access Informatica MDM resources.
Security Access Manager (SAM)
i) A resource is configured to be secure.
ii) Each secure resource is configured with specific privileges.
iii) A role can have access to one or more secure resources.
iv) A user is assigned one or more roles.
i) A resource is an ‘item’ that you wish to secure.
ii) Following resources can be protected (expose or hide to external applications):
a) Base objects, Dependent objects.
b) Mappings, Packages, Remote packages, Cleanse functions.
c) Match rule sets, Batch groups.
d) Metadata, Content metadata, Metadata Manager.
e) HM profiles, Audit table, Users table.
iii) A protected Hub resource can be configured as either private or secure:
a) Private – Hides this Hub resource from the Roles tool.
b) Secure – Exposes the resource to the Roles tool.
Privilege scopes the actions that can be performed on a secured resource
Secured resources can have the following privileges.
i) Set of privileges to access secure resources.
ii) To access a secure resource, the user must be assigned a role that grants them sufficient privileges.
Security Access Manager
Object-Level Security
Role privileges are configurable for subject areas and child/grandchild subject areas
Column Access.
Read privileges can selectively be disabled for columns so that users cannot see them in IDD.
Similarly, enable READ and disable UPDATE for columns.
Task-Level Security
i) All secured tasks require READ privileges on the subject area to which the task belongs.
ii) All secured tasks require EXECUTE privileges on Task Type SA.
iii) Exception to this are Merge and Unmerge tasks.
iv) Merge task needs privileges on SA/Merge task type.
v) Unmerge task needs privileges on SA/Unmerge task type.
Data-Level Security
i) Restricting users from seeing certain records based on the contents of those records.
ii) Within the search configuration of each subject area, security filters can be defined.
iii) Security filter specifies a condition that IDD applies to any searches conducted by users assigned to a specific role.
iv) For example, a security filter can specify COUNRY_CODE = ‘US’, which can apply to users with the US Data Steward Role.
v) Each filter can apply to multiple roles.
vi) Multiple filters for the same role and subject area are treated as OR condition.
IDD Dashboard, Merge & Unmerge and Hierarchy Management:
Following are the objectives of this topic:
i) IDD Dashboards.
ii) Merge process and Unmerge process.
iii) Hierarchy Management.
In Informatica MDM they are some data management like state management and Metadata management Tutorial.
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