StateManagement and MetData Management in Infa-MDM
State Management:
Following are the objectives of this topic:
a) Overview of State Management.
b) Describe the System States.
c) Describe Hub State Indicator.
d) Describe System State Transition.
Impact of System States on BO Survivorship.
State Management
State Management is the ability to store the system states in base object records or cross-references.
State Management facilitates:
a) Ability to effectively participate in the workflow processes and tool.
b) Support for “Change approval” process.
c) Tracking of intermediate states of data.
System States
The state of a record is tracked using a particular system value.

State Management – Example
The workflow/orchestration is done outside of the Siperian Hub in a third party product such as Lombardi ActiveVOS.

Hub State Indicator
a) System State is stored in the base object system column named “Hub State Indicator”.
b) Defaulted to “Active” during “Inserts” when not mapped in the staging process.
c) Remains unchanged during “Updates” when not mapped in the staging process.
State Transition Process
State transition can be performed either by a steward (via the UI), batch process or online API (SIF).
Various state transition processes are:

Base Object value Survivorship
a) State change applies to the XREF rows and is propagated to the BO level.
b) State of BO record is derived from the states of its XREF rows.
c) BO record state is the greatest state of any XREF.
Metadata Management:
Following are the objectives of this topic:
i) Overview of Metadata Manager.
ii) Describe Validation.
iii) Describe Promotion.
iv) Describe Import.
v) Describe Export.
Metadata Management:
i) Data which is used to describe other data.
ii) In an Informatica MDM hub, this is the schema as well as configuration settings.
Design objects
These are the metadata used to define the schema for an implementation.
Examples include base objects, landing and staging tables, columns, indexes, relationships, mappings, cleanse functions, trust settings, validation and match rules etc.
Capabilities of Metadata Manager
i) Validate.
ii) Promote.
iii) Import.
iv) Export.
i) The validate option is used to check the validity of an MDM schema.
ii) The different types of validation checks performed are:
iii) System Checks: Checks repository tables (C_REPOS_*), columns, views etc.
iv) Physical Checks: Compares repository structure with DB metadata.
v) Repository Checks: Metadata for Design Objects stored in the repository.
vi) The various validation indicators are:


Use this option to copy changes from one repository to another.
Types of promotion:

i) Use this option to selectively import design objects from another repository or change list into an empty target repository.
ii) Mainly used during initial creation of an environment.
iii) Source of Import = Either ORS or MET-export XML file.
iv) Target of Import = Either an empty or a valid ORS.


Metadata Manager:
a) Use this functionality to export the complete schema in an XML file.
b) The XML file generated by this process can act as an input to Promote and Import actions.

By overview of Informatica MDM, we have mentioned some Comparisons between IDQ and PowerCenter.

Mahesh J
Hello all! I’m a nature’s child, who loves the wild, bringing technical knowledge to you restyled.