Automation Anywhere Interview Questions and Answers
1) What do you mean by automation? What are its benefits?
Ans: It is basically a process to automate the tasks and process with the help of automatic equipment which are based on technology. It is helpful for the businesses to consider automation as it enhances efficiency and cut down the errors from several business processes and transactions. Also, the human interference can be avoided up to a great extent. A number of processes can be automated with the use of specific equipment and expertise.
2) When exactly will you automate a test? Ans: There are certain cases when we can consider the same. For example, repeating tasks. During such a scenario, automating a test saves a lot of time as well as Human efforts. In addition to this, test with more than one data set can be made more efficient through this approach. Also, regression test cases, as well as Smoke & Sanity tests are also the conditions when automating a test is a good option. However, the final decision is always based on Return-on-Investment.
3) What do you know about the common steps that are involved in Automation anywhere process? Ans: The very first thing is to select or consider the test tool. After this, the next step is to define the scope of automation anywhere followed by the steps planning, designing, as well as development. Next step is Testing execution and final step is maintenance. It is necessary to follow the steps in the defined sequence to eliminate confusion.
4) What are the important factors that must be taken care of while planning Automation anywhere? Ans: Before doing anything, the very first thing to pay attention to is selecting the Automation tool that is beneficial. It is necessary to pay equal attention to the framework in case it is present. The test environment setup is also necessary to considered on priority. Another factor that matters a lot is identifying the test Deliverables. In addition to this, factors such as the timeline of the project and its execution are the other factors that must be taken care of during the planning phase.
5) Is it possible to use Automation Anywhere testing an Agile method? What are the factors that can affect it? Ans: Yes, it’s possible. However, there are conditions in which it is not useful. The very first thing is frequently changing the needs of Agile testing. In such a case, it is not possible to use it. Many times there is need for the complex level of documentation. In such situation also the testing for an agile method is not useful. However, in case of continuous integration, it is possible to use it simply.
6) What are the automation tools you are certified in? Ans: The answer to this question depends on you. You can mention here about the tools you have good command or skills in. Generally, it is asked from experienced professional in the Automation.
7) What are the features you would look while selecting a tool for automation anywhere? Ans: The tools must be easy to use and have test environment support available simply. It must have to debug ability for the smooth operations. It is quite true that testing image and objects are the important aspects of the Automation Anywhere. Therefore, it must have a better image and object testing ability. Also, it must be capable to test the database. Object identification, as well as multiple framework support, are the other features that must be there in a tool for Automation Anywhere.
8) Name any five things which you can automate? Ans: Below are the following five things: 1. Smoke Sanity test suite. 2. Smoke test suite. 3. Automation behind GUI. 4. Build deployment. 5. Test data creation.
9) What factors are important to consider for scripting standard for Automation Anywhere Testing? Ans: For every ten lines of code, there should be three lines of code. Maximum use of framework wherever possible is also an important factor Proper indentation, Uniform naming convention, Error handling and management are some of the factors that must be considered.
10) Name any two important tools for Automation anywhere testing? Ans: There are several tools but the ones that are considered as best are Rational Robot and QTP. Both of them are equally powerful and help to get results that totally error free.
11) What are the reasons for not considering manual testing in automation anywhere approach? Ans: The biggest issue is it needs a lot of additional resources as well as it’s a time-consuming process if done manually. There are certain chances of lots of errors that can declare their presence due to inaccuracy. When projects are time bounded or when they are extremely large, obvious, it’s not a wise option to consider manual testing. It can degrade the performance of resources performing testing due to losing interest by performing the same task again and again in a short time span.
12) What do you know about the type of framework that is used in Automation Anywhere software? Ans: There are four important frameworks that are commonly used. First is Keyword Driven Automation Framework. Next is Data-driven automation framework. The third is Hybrid Automation Framework and last is Modular automation framework.
13) What is Selenium? What do you know about it? Ans: It is basically a framework for the test suite that is widely considered in Automation anywhere approach. Selenium is open source and can be very useful when it comes to automating the mobile, as well as web environments. Its wide support for scripting languages such as Python, Ruby, Java, PHP, Perl, and so on makes it one of the best framework.
14) What do you mean by Sikuli? Ans: It is basically an important tool in Automation that can simply be used when it comes to graphical user interface. It makes use of VIM method and contains several web elements.
15) What are the uses of Sikuli? Ans: Sikuli is a powerful tool that can be used for automating the flash objects, as well as websites. Whenever there is a need of simple API, it can simply be used. Also, it can be integrated with a number of frameworks such as Java, .Net. Windows-based applications can be automated simply with the help of Sikuli. Moreover, it is possible to link it with other tools such as Selenium.
16) How will you handle errors in automation anywhere approach? Ans: Modern tools used in the scenario are powerful for this matter. The fact is automation software is equipped with an error-handling mechanism to spot the errors that often declare their presence. In case any manual action is required, the same can be done by building a logic in the system. This can be done based on nature and the exact cause of the problem.
17) In Automation Anywhere approach, what exactly you will automate first? Ans: Modern automation software is equipped with one of the best features and i.e. they can calculate ROI and provide useful information on tasks that offer advantages and simply help in knowing what exactly to be automated first. Obviously, this cut down the confusion that often comes due to the priority of automation. Suggestions from the employees in case of its implementation in a business can also be taken so that complex processes can be automated first and employees’ burden can be reduced. It is true that this can enhance their efficiency.
18) What types of different systems are required for Automation Anywhere? Ans: Any type of system can be considered because there is no necessity of back-end coding. This is one of the leading advantages of this approach as well.
19) What is the purpose of Automation Anywhere and what are the challenges associated? Ans: Automation Anywhere is a good approach that aims to save time and cut down the human errors. It is basically a form of artificial intelligence that is helpful in making the tasks and processes more superior in every aspect. The biggest challenges associated with the present scenario are skills shortage and sometimes cost. However, a lot of tasks can be made run without a break without worrying about their failure.
20) Compare Sikuli and Selenium? Ans: Both Sikuli and Selenium are powerful tools that can be used in Automation Anywhere. However, both have their own pros and cons associated with them. Sikuli supports automating the flash objects while Selenium doesn’t. Sikuli is useful for automating the Windows as well as web applications. On the other side, Selenium can work only on web applications. A visual match is present in the Sikuli whereas Selenium lacks the same.
21) What should be paid attention to during the task creation? Ans: A lot of methods are available to ensure Automation is under control and is actually not wasting money, time and efforts. Task creation is basically a useful approach that simply let the automation process work reliably provided you engaged only those in the processes who have good skills.
22) What should be the best strategies to work on Automation according to you? Ans: The very first thing is to pay attention to the fact whether the process can actually the automated or not. Sometimes it is possible but there are more cons than pros. This should be examined carefully in the initial phase. Next strategy is to consider small implementation and then building up slowly. This will surely tackle the complex processes. At the same time, there is need to pay attention to another important fact and i.e. information security. It is an important task and must be designed as early as possible. Another strategy that must be considered is to transform the operation which can be done through the best available tools.
23) Is it possible to achieve 100% automation? Ans: Yes, it is possible but generally extremely complex. Complete automation even has a lot of disadvantages too. Generally, it is not the primary target in any automation process and operations that aim the same is not considered in most of the projects based on automation.
24) What do you mean by a framework? Ans: It is basically nothing but a group of the structure of an automation suit. It also provides a lot of useful information on several aspects such as Data reporting in case of larger projects, Handling test data, Environment files handling, Coding standards associated, Handling & maintaining elements, Handling logs, as well as handling properties files.
25) Name a few automation tools you heard about? Are all tools free? Ans: There are lots of tools available and not all of them are free. Selenium and JMeter are basically open sources. The paid ones are Load Runner, RFT, DTP, Rational, Ranorex.
26) What are the tasks that should regularly be monitored in Automation? Ans: Running the scripts regularly is a good practice. It must be considered on priority as through this practice it is possible to keep a close eye on scripts and any errors if they come can be detected immediately. Identification of strategies which are reusable and writing it in a separate file is another practice to be followed. Adding appropriate comments and following the coding conventions are the other useful strategies.
27) Name the different recorders available in Automation Anywhere? Ans: Object Recorder, Easy recorder, and Web Recorder.
28) What are the characteristics of a good framework for Automation Anywhere? Ans: Many times there is a need to change certain things associated with automation due to a diverse array of reasons. This can be done only if the framework is adaptable to them. A good framework always has this feature. The scripts must be independent of everything. A framework must follow all the practices related to coding. In addition to this, a framework must be reusable. Having a reporting feature is another important characteristic that any framework must have. In addition to this, it must have a feature to integrate with other applications and framework.
29) Is it possible to read PDF through Automation Anywhere? Ans: Yes, it is possible.
30) What do you know about the common steps that are involved in Automation anywhere process? Ans: The very first thing is to select the test tool. After this, the next step is to describe the scope of automation anywhere followed by the steps planning, designing, and development. Next step is Testing execution and the last step is maintenance. It is essential to follow the steps in the defined sequence to remove confusion.
31) What are the automation tools you are certified in? Ans: It depends on you. You can indicate here about the tools you have good command or skills in. Generally, it is asked from skilled professional in the Automation.
32) What factors are important to consider for scripting standard for Automation Anywhere Testing? Ans: The important factors are: 1. For every ten lines of code, there should be three lines of code. 2. Maximum use of framework wherever possible is also an important factor 3. Proper indentation, Uniform naming convention, Error handling, and management.
33) Name any two important tools for Automation anywhere testing? Ans: Although there are various tools but the ones that are considered as best are: 1. Rational Robot 2. QTP Both of them are equally powerful and help to get results that totally error free.
34) What do you mean by QTP? Ans: It stands for Quick test professional and is basically an Automation tool that is considered in test environments.
35) What is Selenium? What do you know about it? Ans: Selenium is basically a framework for the test suite that is extensively considered in Automation anywhere approach. It is open source and can be very useful when it is about automating the mobile, as well as web environments. Its support scripting languages such as Python, PHP, Ruby, Java, Perl, and so on makes it one of the best framework. If you appreciate and want to know more about Automation Anywhere, click here and read up.
2) When exactly will you automate a test? Ans: There are certain cases when we can consider the same. For example, repeating tasks. During such a scenario, automating a test saves a lot of time as well as Human efforts. In addition to this, test with more than one data set can be made more efficient through this approach. Also, regression test cases, as well as Smoke & Sanity tests are also the conditions when automating a test is a good option. However, the final decision is always based on Return-on-Investment.
3) What do you know about the common steps that are involved in Automation anywhere process? Ans: The very first thing is to select or consider the test tool. After this, the next step is to define the scope of automation anywhere followed by the steps planning, designing, as well as development. Next step is Testing execution and final step is maintenance. It is necessary to follow the steps in the defined sequence to eliminate confusion.
4) What are the important factors that must be taken care of while planning Automation anywhere? Ans: Before doing anything, the very first thing to pay attention to is selecting the Automation tool that is beneficial. It is necessary to pay equal attention to the framework in case it is present. The test environment setup is also necessary to considered on priority. Another factor that matters a lot is identifying the test Deliverables. In addition to this, factors such as the timeline of the project and its execution are the other factors that must be taken care of during the planning phase.
5) Is it possible to use Automation Anywhere testing an Agile method? What are the factors that can affect it? Ans: Yes, it’s possible. However, there are conditions in which it is not useful. The very first thing is frequently changing the needs of Agile testing. In such a case, it is not possible to use it. Many times there is need for the complex level of documentation. In such situation also the testing for an agile method is not useful. However, in case of continuous integration, it is possible to use it simply.
6) What are the automation tools you are certified in? Ans: The answer to this question depends on you. You can mention here about the tools you have good command or skills in. Generally, it is asked from experienced professional in the Automation.
7) What are the features you would look while selecting a tool for automation anywhere? Ans: The tools must be easy to use and have test environment support available simply. It must have to debug ability for the smooth operations. It is quite true that testing image and objects are the important aspects of the Automation Anywhere. Therefore, it must have a better image and object testing ability. Also, it must be capable to test the database. Object identification, as well as multiple framework support, are the other features that must be there in a tool for Automation Anywhere.
8) Name any five things which you can automate? Ans: Below are the following five things: 1. Smoke Sanity test suite. 2. Smoke test suite. 3. Automation behind GUI. 4. Build deployment. 5. Test data creation.
9) What factors are important to consider for scripting standard for Automation Anywhere Testing? Ans: For every ten lines of code, there should be three lines of code. Maximum use of framework wherever possible is also an important factor Proper indentation, Uniform naming convention, Error handling and management are some of the factors that must be considered.
10) Name any two important tools for Automation anywhere testing? Ans: There are several tools but the ones that are considered as best are Rational Robot and QTP. Both of them are equally powerful and help to get results that totally error free.
11) What are the reasons for not considering manual testing in automation anywhere approach? Ans: The biggest issue is it needs a lot of additional resources as well as it’s a time-consuming process if done manually. There are certain chances of lots of errors that can declare their presence due to inaccuracy. When projects are time bounded or when they are extremely large, obvious, it’s not a wise option to consider manual testing. It can degrade the performance of resources performing testing due to losing interest by performing the same task again and again in a short time span.
12) What do you know about the type of framework that is used in Automation Anywhere software? Ans: There are four important frameworks that are commonly used. First is Keyword Driven Automation Framework. Next is Data-driven automation framework. The third is Hybrid Automation Framework and last is Modular automation framework.
13) What is Selenium? What do you know about it? Ans: It is basically a framework for the test suite that is widely considered in Automation anywhere approach. Selenium is open source and can be very useful when it comes to automating the mobile, as well as web environments. Its wide support for scripting languages such as Python, Ruby, Java, PHP, Perl, and so on makes it one of the best framework.
14) What do you mean by Sikuli? Ans: It is basically an important tool in Automation that can simply be used when it comes to graphical user interface. It makes use of VIM method and contains several web elements.
15) What are the uses of Sikuli? Ans: Sikuli is a powerful tool that can be used for automating the flash objects, as well as websites. Whenever there is a need of simple API, it can simply be used. Also, it can be integrated with a number of frameworks such as Java, .Net. Windows-based applications can be automated simply with the help of Sikuli. Moreover, it is possible to link it with other tools such as Selenium.
16) How will you handle errors in automation anywhere approach? Ans: Modern tools used in the scenario are powerful for this matter. The fact is automation software is equipped with an error-handling mechanism to spot the errors that often declare their presence. In case any manual action is required, the same can be done by building a logic in the system. This can be done based on nature and the exact cause of the problem.
17) In Automation Anywhere approach, what exactly you will automate first? Ans: Modern automation software is equipped with one of the best features and i.e. they can calculate ROI and provide useful information on tasks that offer advantages and simply help in knowing what exactly to be automated first. Obviously, this cut down the confusion that often comes due to the priority of automation. Suggestions from the employees in case of its implementation in a business can also be taken so that complex processes can be automated first and employees’ burden can be reduced. It is true that this can enhance their efficiency.
18) What types of different systems are required for Automation Anywhere? Ans: Any type of system can be considered because there is no necessity of back-end coding. This is one of the leading advantages of this approach as well.
19) What is the purpose of Automation Anywhere and what are the challenges associated? Ans: Automation Anywhere is a good approach that aims to save time and cut down the human errors. It is basically a form of artificial intelligence that is helpful in making the tasks and processes more superior in every aspect. The biggest challenges associated with the present scenario are skills shortage and sometimes cost. However, a lot of tasks can be made run without a break without worrying about their failure.
20) Compare Sikuli and Selenium? Ans: Both Sikuli and Selenium are powerful tools that can be used in Automation Anywhere. However, both have their own pros and cons associated with them. Sikuli supports automating the flash objects while Selenium doesn’t. Sikuli is useful for automating the Windows as well as web applications. On the other side, Selenium can work only on web applications. A visual match is present in the Sikuli whereas Selenium lacks the same.
21) What should be paid attention to during the task creation? Ans: A lot of methods are available to ensure Automation is under control and is actually not wasting money, time and efforts. Task creation is basically a useful approach that simply let the automation process work reliably provided you engaged only those in the processes who have good skills.
22) What should be the best strategies to work on Automation according to you? Ans: The very first thing is to pay attention to the fact whether the process can actually the automated or not. Sometimes it is possible but there are more cons than pros. This should be examined carefully in the initial phase. Next strategy is to consider small implementation and then building up slowly. This will surely tackle the complex processes. At the same time, there is need to pay attention to another important fact and i.e. information security. It is an important task and must be designed as early as possible. Another strategy that must be considered is to transform the operation which can be done through the best available tools.
23) Is it possible to achieve 100% automation? Ans: Yes, it is possible but generally extremely complex. Complete automation even has a lot of disadvantages too. Generally, it is not the primary target in any automation process and operations that aim the same is not considered in most of the projects based on automation.
24) What do you mean by a framework? Ans: It is basically nothing but a group of the structure of an automation suit. It also provides a lot of useful information on several aspects such as Data reporting in case of larger projects, Handling test data, Environment files handling, Coding standards associated, Handling & maintaining elements, Handling logs, as well as handling properties files.
25) Name a few automation tools you heard about? Are all tools free? Ans: There are lots of tools available and not all of them are free. Selenium and JMeter are basically open sources. The paid ones are Load Runner, RFT, DTP, Rational, Ranorex.
26) What are the tasks that should regularly be monitored in Automation? Ans: Running the scripts regularly is a good practice. It must be considered on priority as through this practice it is possible to keep a close eye on scripts and any errors if they come can be detected immediately. Identification of strategies which are reusable and writing it in a separate file is another practice to be followed. Adding appropriate comments and following the coding conventions are the other useful strategies.
27) Name the different recorders available in Automation Anywhere? Ans: Object Recorder, Easy recorder, and Web Recorder.
28) What are the characteristics of a good framework for Automation Anywhere? Ans: Many times there is a need to change certain things associated with automation due to a diverse array of reasons. This can be done only if the framework is adaptable to them. A good framework always has this feature. The scripts must be independent of everything. A framework must follow all the practices related to coding. In addition to this, a framework must be reusable. Having a reporting feature is another important characteristic that any framework must have. In addition to this, it must have a feature to integrate with other applications and framework.
29) Is it possible to read PDF through Automation Anywhere? Ans: Yes, it is possible.
30) What do you know about the common steps that are involved in Automation anywhere process? Ans: The very first thing is to select the test tool. After this, the next step is to describe the scope of automation anywhere followed by the steps planning, designing, and development. Next step is Testing execution and the last step is maintenance. It is essential to follow the steps in the defined sequence to remove confusion.
31) What are the automation tools you are certified in? Ans: It depends on you. You can indicate here about the tools you have good command or skills in. Generally, it is asked from skilled professional in the Automation.
32) What factors are important to consider for scripting standard for Automation Anywhere Testing? Ans: The important factors are: 1. For every ten lines of code, there should be three lines of code. 2. Maximum use of framework wherever possible is also an important factor 3. Proper indentation, Uniform naming convention, Error handling, and management.
33) Name any two important tools for Automation anywhere testing? Ans: Although there are various tools but the ones that are considered as best are: 1. Rational Robot 2. QTP Both of them are equally powerful and help to get results that totally error free.
34) What do you mean by QTP? Ans: It stands for Quick test professional and is basically an Automation tool that is considered in test environments.
35) What is Selenium? What do you know about it? Ans: Selenium is basically a framework for the test suite that is extensively considered in Automation anywhere approach. It is open source and can be very useful when it is about automating the mobile, as well as web environments. Its support scripting languages such as Python, PHP, Ruby, Java, Perl, and so on makes it one of the best framework. If you appreciate and want to know more about Automation Anywhere, click here and read up.

Mahesh J
Hello all! I’m a nature’s child, who loves the wild, bringing technical knowledge to you restyled.