Step by Step Guide To Salesforce Personal and App Setup

In salesforce they are 3 setups are:
  • Personal Setup.
  • App Setup.
  • Admin Setup.
The Setups in Salesforce for customers and integrating with companies Enterprise. Personal setup: In personal setup, users can configure their personal information (e.g.: Email, phone no. etc.,) App setup: App setup is used to create an application and for assigning to groups. Admin setup: Admin setup is used to configure administration credentials. Personal Setup: Here, we can change or update our User ID, Password, phone, Email, Language, Time zone etc., 1)  After, we login to the Salesforce Account click on settings option.
2)  Go to settings tab and then go to Personal Information tab.
3)  Once you change the information, save it so that your information updates.
App Setup: 1)  Within Lightning, there’s an App Manager in Setup, which permits us to see all our apps in one area and perform modifications to them.
2)  At the same page, we have an option click New Lightning App to create our new app. We will be capable to provide it a name, upload an icon, and we can also modify the color of this app.
3)  Following, it will ask for any add options that could be added to the app. Here, we can pick which objects and elements we need to involve in our app. We can also customize the system in which it arises over the top of our app (like tabs from Classic).
4)  Lastly, we can select the profiles we desire to view this app. Click Save & Finish and your app is ready to go!
5.We can access our app via opening the App Launcher from top of the right corner, beneath the Salesforce logo. Moreover, your app is ready to use!
Naveen E

Naveen E


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