Use Cases of Pega

Use Cases for PEGA and how it works: How does PEGA do? As industrialization and productivity continue to increase, the unit of opening skills obtaining traction in India and elsewhere, is to work with Pega. PRPC or PEGA Rules Process controller is not a language or compiler etc. It’s a Business Process Management tool, also developed in Java, and uses OOP and java thoughts. Since we don’t have to build the system of the mark, unlike regular programming, PEGA is now trending big time. It’s super active, adaptable and extensible. We compose the Business Process Flow and determine the functionality. For example, Order Management System, Call Center Management, Finance, Healthcare, etc. Basically, anything that owns a Business flow PEGA has other products, but they seem to be known for their technology permit, the creation of an automatic business process management tool.
What are PEGA use cases? Application Profiler: An Application Profile is an output from the Application Profiler, an assisting DCO development tool that works on iterative approach to obtain legit processing details for the application you plan on building. Profiles are created by the collaborative resolution of business analysts, lead architects, and other project team members who define primary design and process requirements. On an average, it takes 2-3 days of devoted energy to build and complete a profile. Using profiler tool:
  • Application processing data includes.
  • Business processes.
  • Use cases.
  • Requirements.
  • Reports.
  • Correspondence.
  • Interfaces.
  • Work process data using a flexible, visible, interactive mapping tool.
  • Create sizing views for development purposes.
  • Create sizing estimates for development efforts.
  • Apply parallel teams to add and clean project details and join them in a single profile.
  • Create iterative on-demand known looking work-based suggestions.
  • Prime the Application Accelerator by data of the profile to create a unique application, an extra application based on the current framework, or size of an application.
Starting a Profile: Profiles can be created and be maintained by users who have access to the Designer Studio.
Notes: Don’t run that Profiler using the operator ID [email protected] or operators who accept the path group Pega Rules: Administrators. Click next on your current application in the portal header to display the Application menu and choose an option.
  • New Application > Application Profile starts a profile.
  • New Application > Profiles in progress present some list of profiles in progress and a list of profiles you hold, to modify security. Click a row to open a profile. Click New Application Profile to start a profile.
Alternatively, we can open a profile of the Tools menu from the Application arrival page level.
  • Tools > All Wizards display a list of open and fixed wizard objects within your system. Click a row to display a profile.
That option is useful if we want to find Application Profiles that must already be chosen or created with others. Navigating the Profiler: If the Profiler starts, a Profile ID prefixed with AP, allotted and presented in the header from the profile window. A set of input tabs present on the left side of the screen, a sketch entry window pops up in center of the screen, an Actions list and help icon on the right side of the header. The Application Overview Window: The modal window is the first input screen that gets displayed when we start a profile. It can be updated at any time by choosing from the Actions list. Also, here, we enter information about the type of application, the project, its business purposes, and information. This screen needs to complete before we enter information into the process tabs. The Processing Tabs: Located on the left side of the profiler, the handle step we go through, help us obtain information in the profile. Processes: Set work types and their starting flows, map the high-level business rules that flow in a Discovery Map. Integration: List interfaces to external methods, the application, will both connect to or be called from, as a service. Reports: List the detail for reports or the calculated number of reports to be generated during the project. Correspondence: Lists the detail for correspondence or the calculated number of correspondence records to create during the project. Assumptions: Takes a list of project-related premise that is included in the profile document. Roles: List project associates and their roles to identify the expected support needed to complete the project. Associates are listed as Internal Resources or External Consultants. Each group is pre-populated with a general set of project roles. Profile Review:  Shows characterized groups from use cases to work types and supporting types; we can add and edit the work types and supporting types, use cases and specifications to work types and supporting types. Click Close on this tab to resolve the profile and use it as input to the Application Accelerator. Actions list The Action list is located on the right side of the Profiler header. It gives you quick access to a number of profile rreelated actions and input screens that you are likely to use while in the profile, but that are not directly related to the creation of the profile. Move back and forth between the tabs and action windows by clicking a tab or action. Entering Profile Data: Profile data remains entered into the Overview window, that actor’s action, and the processing tabs. To complete that profile:
  • Insert the data into the tab or window.
Click on the header from a tab or active window to display directions that can help complete the tab or do the action. 1. Move back and forward within the tabs and actions by clicking a tab or choosing an action from the list. 2. Click at any time to save the work in process at the current screen. Although, entered details within the profile tabs is saved automatically as we move from tab to tab, saving work is useful at steps where we enter the large amounts of data over a long period of time like the Discovery Map, Work Types, Use Cases and Requirements. 3. Click to resolve the profile by a status of Resolved-Withdrawn. When a profile is in this status it’s not available for selection in the Application Accelerator. 4. Click Finish on the Review Profile tab to complete the profile, resolve it and make it possible as used by the Application Accelerator. 5. Click X in the top right corner of the screen or window to exit the wizard or action. we can change it later by choosing it from the Profiles in Progress menu option. Completing the Profile Post entering all data, click Finish on the Profile Review tab to resolve it. The status turns to Resolved-Completed and now it’s available for use on the Application Accelerator. From the resolve window, we can select the following options:
  • Generate this Application – Shows if your security level allows yourself to check out the rules, starts the Application Accelerator using the profile because of the initial input. If we select this option, we should no longer be able to update the profile.
  • Reopen Profile- Reopen the profile for update.
  • Close – Close and save the profiles.
Creating Profile and Project Sizing Documents Profile and sizing documents can create and attach to the profile any time during the life of the project. That enables us to interactively track information associating to progress, content, monitor determined timelines and project size.

Creating a Profile Document

Select from the action list selected to display the document window. i. Select the template. ii. Check the Attach to Profile box, if automatic connection of the document is required, when it’s saved. iii. Select a document option. Look for options when a profile is created for an application built on a framework or an extension of application. Intimate whether we want to document the entire content of the application or simply what is changing or added to the application. iv. Click to start Microsoft Word into a separate window. v. Review and edit this document in Word. vi. Save the document. vii. Repeat this process when we want to document and save the most popular version of the profile. Estimating the Size of a Project: Select from the action list to display a window that combines a graphic from the predicted timeline for the project phases. 1. Click Create Project Sizing to launch Microsoft Excel into a separate window and display a modeling tool that draws in data we have entered in the profile. 2. If the sizing sheet displays, we can review it, edit the data, and save a file. i. When we edit the spreadsheet, don’t update the values defaulted from data entered into the input steps. Instead, change them into the profile step and create the sizing again. ii. Changes can be done to the hours and other sizing data fields other than something captured and defaulted from the profile. Changes are stored in the sizing document if we connect it to the profile. iii. Information not maintained through the profiler can be stored in the spreadsheet. iv. When we create a new sizing, the last saved version of the spreadsheet shows. 3. Click Attach Project Sizing to attach the spreadsheet to the profile. 4. Click OK to save the screen data. Click Cancel to close the window. 5. Repeat this process when you want to resize the project and save the most recent sizing estimate. Customizing Profile Documents We can build the profile documents to meet your company’s document styles and standards. Three default profile documents are determined by following Word Template rules:
  • PegaAccel-Task-ProposeApp.PegaLedAP for Pegasystems-led projects. PegaAccel-Task-ProposeApp.PartnerLedAP for Partner-led projects. PegaAccel-Task-ProposeApp-SelfLedAP for Self-led projects.
To customize the document: 1. In the Search tool located within the header of the Designer Studio, enter the keyword LedAP. Press Enter. 2. Show a Save As on a new name and to a RuleSet that lists the Pega-AppDefinition RuleSet as a requirement. 3. Enter short but meaningful information of the template. The text we enter here is the text that displays in the template selection box on the Document steps. 4. Select Application Profile as the category. 5. Click Edit Word Template to display and edit the template. 6. Save the word template. 7. Click Upload File. 8. When the load completes, click Save. In this blog you have learned about Pega use cases and for more information you can go through Certification guide.

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Mahesh J

Mahesh J


Hello all! I’m a nature’s child, who loves the wild, bringing technical knowledge to you restyled.