The Must Have Java Code Style Guide
Java Code Style Guide
Refer to the content below for guidance on structuring more readable and consistently formatted Java code, files, and package structures.
- Definitions and abbreviations
Term | Definition |
Camel Case | All words in the name are joined together. The first word starts off with a lower case letter; every word thereafter begins with a capital letter. (iAmCamelCase) |
Pascal Case | All words in the name are joined together. Each new word begins with a capital letter. (IAmPascalCase) |
UI | User interface |
- Layout of source files
- File Description
- Package Name
- Imports
- Constants
- Methods
- Protected and private members.
- Brief description about the file
- A list of any modifications made subsequent to the first production release of the application any change request numbers
/** **File description *@Description of Modification *@Change Request No. */Package name Package names should occur on the first non-commented line of the source file, should follow standard naming convention defined, and be separated by a blank line on either side. Packages should include a file that provides a repository for package level annotations and documentation. Imports Immediately following the package name should be the imported class names. There should not be any wild card import statements (e.g. import java.util.*). Optimize the imports by removing extraneous include statements.
- Declarations
- Package names are always lower case
- Package names developed for the client begin with followed by the client organization’s internal convention, UNLESS otherwise specified by the client
- Examples of top level domains currently include com, edu, gov, mil, net, org, or one of the English two-letter codes identifying countries as specified in ISO Standard 3166, 1981
- File names must always be in Pascal case
- Match the name of the primary public class/interface contained in the file
- Each class file will be in a separate source file. Note: This does not apply to inner classes and anonymous classes
- Property files for applications should end with .properties InvalidTransactionException.javaClasses and Interfaces
- These must follow Pascal case; avoid use of underscores (“_”)
- The first letter of subsequent words in the name should be upper case
- Append “impl” on classes that implement interfaces, e.g. DataConnectionPoolImpl implements DataConnectionPool.
- Class names should be nouns
- Classes built on arrays, vectors, and collections should include the type at the end of the name
WidgetFactory WidgetCallbackDelegate InvalidTransactionException //DAO = Data Access Object IlimsDatabaseDAOMethods
- Methods should use “camel” case (first letter is lower case)
- Method names should be a verb, verb/noun, or verb/adjective/noun combination
- Method parameter names should use camel case, e.g. private void someMethod(String someString)
- Methods retrieving the value of a variable or object (accessors) should be in the form getName, unless the value is a boolean
- Accessors retrieving the value of a boolean should start with is or has (e.g. isManager, hasBaseAccount)
- Methods updating the value of a variable or object (mutators) should be in the form setName
- Methods returning arrays, vectors, lists, etc. should include the type in the name
public void processData(…) private void sendEmail(…) public String[] getStringData(…)Variables
- Declare one variable per line
- Whenever possible, initialize a variable when it is created
- Declare variables at the beginning of a block of code
- Use meaningful variable names which reflect the purpose and are unambiguous in the scope in which they reside
int indentLevel; // indentation level int numOfRows; // number of rows in table int i, j, k; // ok, unless used in nested loops
- These must follow camel casing
- Variable names should be short, but meaningful, suggesting the intent of the use
- Variable names should not start with an underscore (“_”) or dollar sign (“$”), though both are allowed
- Underscores are acceptable on private class variables
- Upper-case with underscores are acceptable on static final class variables
public class Blah { private static final int MY_SIZE = 8192; private string myString; public void someMethod() { int recordCount; }Constants
- Names of constants and ANSI characters should be all upper case
- Words are separated by underscores (“_”)
- Commenting code
if (”Quarterly”.equalsIgnoreCase(frequency)) { /* Exclude all entitlements that do not require quarterly review */ … }Trailing comments Very short comments can appear on the same line as the code they describe, but should be shifted far enough to separate them from the statements. If more than one short comment appears in a chunk of code, they should all be indented identically, using tabs. When modifying block of code resulting in indentation changes, re-align any comments. Avoid commenting every line of executable code with a trailing comment. These comments can also be written using the // comment delimiter. Here’s an example of a trailing comment in Java code:
//check if the account is active if (identity.isActive() == true) { return true; /* account is active */ } else { return false /* account is disabled */ }JavaDoc Annotation All classes and interfaces, and all public and protected class/interface members, must have Java Doc comments. Example:
/** * Purges old data files. */ public class PurgeOldFiles() { // This is a single line comment. /** * A string that says hello. */ protected String myString = “hello”; /** * Constructor. * * @param config Configuration parameters for this action */ public PurgeOldFiles(FilePurgeConfiguration config) { super(config); } /** * Execute the business logic for this action. * @exception Exception If an error occurs while performing the action * @return True if the action executed successfully, false otherwise */ protected boolean performAction() throws Exception { return true; } } Methods that simply expose properties do not require comments. /** * This is a class representing a bit of material. */ public class Material { private String compoundNumber = null; private int counter = 0; //no method comments required here public void setCompoundNumber(String compoundNumber) { this.compoundNumber = compoundNumber; } /** * Non-obvious “side effects” must be commented. */ public int setCounter(int counter) { this._counter = counter – 20; } }Annotation gives the ability to provide additional metadata alongside a Java entity (such as classes, interfaces, fields and methods). This additional metadata, called annotation, can be read and interrelated by the compiler or other utilities. They can also be stored in the class files. The runtime can discovered these metadata via the “reflection” API. When the Java class extends another class and overrides a method, @Overrride annotation must be used in that method. Example:
public class AnnotationOverrideTest { @Override public String toString() { return “Override the toString() of the superclass”; } // Compilation Error because superclass Object does not have this method @Override public String toString123() { return “Override the toString123() of the superclass”; } }
- Exception handling
class ThrowsDemo { … public String getLanguage(SailPointContext context, EmailTemplate template, EmailOptions options) throws GeneralException { Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ThrowsDemo.class); String defaultUserLanguage; String recipient; String recipientLanguage = null; String newTemplateName; //Retrieving the default user language from the system configuration. defaultUserLanguage = context.getConfiguration().getString( “llydefaultUserLanguage”); if (template != null) { recipient = template.getTo(); } else { log.error(“Default template not found in IIQ”); throw new GeneralException(“Default template not found in IIQ”); } try { recipientLanguage = getRecipientLanguage(context, recipient); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(“Recipient’s user language could not be retrieved. Using default language.”, e); } finally { if (recipientLanguage != null) { return recipientLanguage; } else { return defaultUserLanguage; } log.close(); } } }Absorbing exceptions Do not silently absorb a run-time or error exception. Breaking this rule makes code hard to debug because information is lost:
try { for(int i = v.size(); –i >= 0;) { ostream.println(v.elementAt(i) }; } catch (ArrayOutOfBounds e) { // Oops! We should never get here. .. //. ..but if we do, nobody will ever know! }Even if We have coded a catch block simply to catch an exception We do not expect to occur, log the exception. We never know when something “impossible” might occur within our software:
try { for (int i=v.size(); –i>=0;) { ostream.println(v.elementAt(i)); } catch (ArrayOutOfBounds e) { // Oops! Should never get here. .. // But print a stack trace just in case… Log.error(e); }Release resources The finally clause can be used to “cleanup” (e.g. release resources, close statements) after the execution of the try catch block. This prevents repetitious code in the catch clauses and prevents error by forgetting to add this functionality while adding code to handle another type of exception. Remember that the finally clause is executed irrespective of whether the try block executed the normal sequence or an exception happened. This makes the finally block a good place to release any resources acquired prior to entering or within the try-block. In this first example, if an exception or return occurs following the creation of the output stream, the function will exit without closing and flushing the stream:
public void logSomeStuff() { OutputStream log = new FileOutputStream(“log”); … // could get exception here! … log.close(); }In this example, we use a finally block to ensure the stream is always closed when the thread of execution exits the try-block. This is done even if the thread exits the block because an exception has been thrown or a return statement was executed:
OutputStream outputStream = null; try { outputStream = new FileOutputstream(“log”); } finally { if (outputStream!= null) { outputStream.close(); }
- Formatting of statement
- An open brace “{” appears at the end of the same line as the declaration statement
- A closing brace “}” starts a line by itself and is indented to the corresponding opening brace
- Methods are separated by a blank line
- No space between the method name and the parenthesis
- Follow the same convention throughout the entire file.
public class MyClass extends SomeClass implements ISomeInterface { public MyClass() { } public MyClass(int myInt) { super(myInt); } public void doSomething () { return; } }Parentheses and braces Use either of the following formats for parenthesis and braces:
- An open brace “{“ or closing brace “}” appears on the same line as the control statement
- The closing brace is indented to the corresponding opening brace.
if (…) { … } else if (…) { … } else { … } …or for a do-while loop: do { … } while (…); Braces are required if there are one or more statements in the loop or logical control block. //acceptable! if (noBracesOnNonEmptyBlock) failCodingStandards(); //unacceptable! if (noBracesOnNonEmptyBlock) if(x>6) failCodingStandards(); else failCodingStandards(); else failCodingStandards(); Empty blocks may have both braces on the same line if (emptyBlock) { } Line breaks Each line should contain only one statement. The exception is the “? :” operator pair. //unacceptable myInt++; myOtherInt = 5; //OK myDogHasFleas ? batheDog() : hugDog(); When an expression will not fit on a single line, break it after a comma or operator. longMethodCall(expr1, expr2, expr3, expr4, expr5); result = a * b / (c – g + f) + 4 * z; string s = “give me ” + “a break”; For / For-each A for statement must use the following format: for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)An empty for block must use the following format: for (initialization; condition; update) ; In Java, as much as possible use the enhanced for construct introduced in Java 5: for (AccountRequest accountRequest : accountRequestList) ; Avoid using indexed for loops with collections without random access (e.g. LinkedList). Use an iterator instead.
While An empty while block must use the following format: while (condition) ; Switch Switch/case statements must use the following format: //preferred switch (condition) { case A: break; default: break; }
- Class definition
/** * The descriptive text that explaining the purpose and use of the class. * @version * @Class name * @ History */This section is the actual implementation of the class. Each method (and private function) will be prefaced by the standard documentation header. Methods and functions The following standard has been established for the documentation of methods and functions. Each line item begins with an asterisk, and ends with blank space. All subsequent lines in multiline component are to be indented so that they line up vertically with the previous line. For example
/** * * * @param * @return * @exception **/Description Provide a detailed description. This may include:
- intent of method
- pre and post conditions
- side effects
- dependencies
- implementation notes
- who should be calling this method
- whether the method should or should not be overridden (if the method cannot be overwritten, it should be marked as final)
- where to invoke super when overriding
- control flow or state dependencies that need to exist before calling this method
- use of variables outside the scope of the function (i.e. global and super scopes in Beanshell)
- Additional guidance
- Avoid the use of strings when concatenating.
- It is advisable not to code numerical constants (literals) directly, except for -1, 0, and 1, which can appear in a “for” loop as counter values. This is advisable but not compulsory.
- Use parentheses liberally in expressions involving mixed operators to avoid operator precedence problems.

Mahesh J
Hello all! I’m a nature’s child, who loves the wild, bringing technical knowledge to you restyled.