Automation Testing Interview Questions and Answers
1) What automating testing tools are you familiar with?
Ans: LoadRunner and WinRunner.
2) How did you use automating testing tools in your job? Ans: I used the automation testing tools for Regression and Performance testing.
3) Describe some problem that you had with automating testing tool. Ans: I had several problems working with test automation tools like,
4) How do you plan test automation? Ans: Planning is the most important task in Test Automation. Test Automation Plan should cover the following task items,
5) Can test automation improve test effectiveness? Ans: Yes, Definitely Test Automation plays a vital role in improving Test Effectiveness in various ways like,
6) What is data – driven automation? Ans: Data Driven Automation is the most important part of test automation where the requirement is to execute the same test cases for different set of test input data so that test can executed for pre-defined iterations with different set of test input data for each iteration.
7) What are the main attributes of test automation? Ans: Here are some of the attributes of test automation that can be measured, Maintainability
8) Does automation replace manual testing? Ans: We cannot actually replace manual testing 100% using Automation but yes definitely it can replace almost 90% of the manual test efforts if the automation is done efficiently.
9) How will you choose a tool for test automation? Ans: Below are factors to be considered while choosing Test Automation Tool,
10) How you will evaluate the tool for test automation? Ans: Whenever a Tool has to be evaluated we need to go through few important verifications / validations of the tool like,
11) What are main benefits of test automation? Ans: The main benefits of Test Automation are,
12) What could go wrong with test automation? Ans: While using Test Automation there are various factors that can affect the testing process like,
13) How you will describe testing activities? Ans: The basic Testing activities are as follows,
14) What testing activities you may want to automate? Ans: Anything, which is repeated, should be automated if possible. Thus I feel following testing activities can be automated,
15) Describe common problems of test automation. Ans: In Test Automation we come across several problems, out of which I would like to highlight few as given below,
16) What types of scripting techniques for test automation do you know? Ans: Scripting Technique: how to structure automated test scripts for maximum benefit and Minimum impact of software changes, scripting issues, scripting approaches: linear, Shared, data-driven and programmed, script pre-processing, minimizing the impact of Software changes on test scripts. The major ones I had used are,
17) What are principles of good testing scripts for automation? Ans: The major principles of good testing script for Automation are,
18) What tools are available for support of testing during software development life cycle? Ans: Test Director for Test Management, Bugzilla for Bug Tracking and Notification etc are the tools for Support of Testing.
19) Can the activities of test case design be automated? Ans: Yes, Test Director is one of such tool, which has the feature of Test Case Design and execution.
20) What are the limitations of automating software testing? Ans: If you talk about limitations of automating software testing, then I would like to mention few, which I had come across,
21) What skills needed to be a good test automator? Ans: If you talk about the skills required for Test Automator then the basic skills one should have are,
22) How to find that tools work well with your existing system? Ans: While evaluating any tool we should ensure few things to make sure that it fits well to existing like,
68) What role do you see yourself in 2-3 years from now? Would you want to become a developer? Ans: You should not concentrate the attention of the interviewer on your wish to become a developer. You are being hired for testing role and you should demonstrate reliability. Team lead of QA team is OK, but do not answer yes when asked if you are willing to become a developer.
2) How did you use automating testing tools in your job? Ans: I used the automation testing tools for Regression and Performance testing.
3) Describe some problem that you had with automating testing tool. Ans: I had several problems working with test automation tools like,
- Tools Limitations for Object Detections
- Tools Configuration / Deployment in various Environments
- Tools Precision / Default Skeleton Script Issues like window synchronization issues et
- Tools bugs with respect to exception handling.
- Tools abnormal polymorphism in behavior like sometimes it works but sometimes not for the same application / same script/same environment etc.
4) How do you plan test automation? Ans: Planning is the most important task in Test Automation. Test Automation Plan should cover the following task items,
- Tool Selection: Type of Test Automation Expected (Regression / Performance etc.)
- Tool Evaluation: Tool Availability / Tool License Availability / Tool License Limitations.
- Tool Cost Estimation Vs Project Cost Estimation Statistics for Testing.
- Resource Requirements Vs Availability Study.
- Time Availability Vs Time Estimations Calculations and Definations.
- Production Requirements Analysis Results Consideration with respect to Factors like Load-Performance / Functionality Expected / Scalability etc.
- Test Automation Process Definitions including Standard to be followed while performing Test Automation.
- Test Automation Scope Definition.
- Automation Risk Analysis and planning to overcome if defined Risks Emerge in the Automation Process.
- Reference Document Requirement as Perquisites for Test Automation.
5) Can test automation improve test effectiveness? Ans: Yes, Definitely Test Automation plays a vital role in improving Test Effectiveness in various ways like,
- Reduction in Slippage caused due to human errors.
- Object / Object Properties Level UI Verifications.
- Virtual Load / Users usage in Load/Performance Testing wherein its not possible to use so many resources physically performing test and get so accurate results.
- Précised Time Calculations.
- And many more.
6) What is data – driven automation? Ans: Data Driven Automation is the most important part of test automation where the requirement is to execute the same test cases for different set of test input data so that test can executed for pre-defined iterations with different set of test input data for each iteration.
7) What are the main attributes of test automation? Ans: Here are some of the attributes of test automation that can be measured, Maintainability
- Definition: The effort needed to update the test automation suites for each new release.
- Possible measurements: The possible measurements can be e.g. the average work effort in hours to update a test suite.
- Definition: The accuracy and repeatability of your test automation.
- Possible measurements: Number of times a test failed due to defects in the tests or in the test scripts.
- Definition: The ease of working with all the different kinds of automation test ware.
- Possible measurements: The time and effort needed to identify, locate, restore, combine and execute the different test automation test ware.
- Definition: The total cost related to the effort needed for the automation.
- Possible measurements: Monitoring over time the total cost of automated testing, i.e. resources, material, etc.
- Definition: The ability of the automated test to run on different environments.
- Possible measurements: The effort and time needed to set-up and run test automation in a new environment.
- Definition: The effectiveness of automation on an unstable or rapidly changing system.
- Possible measurements: Number of tests failed due to unexpected events.
- Definition: The extent to which automation can be used by different types of users (Developers, non-technical people or other users etc.,)
- Possible measurements: The time needed to train users to become confident and productive with test automation.
8) Does automation replace manual testing? Ans: We cannot actually replace manual testing 100% using Automation but yes definitely it can replace almost 90% of the manual test efforts if the automation is done efficiently.
9) How will you choose a tool for test automation? Ans: Below are factors to be considered while choosing Test Automation Tool,
- Test Type Expected. (E.g. Regression Testing / Functional Testing / Performance-Load Testing)
- Tool Cost Vs Project Testing Budget Estimation.
- Protocol Support by Tool Vs. Application Designed Protocol.
- Tools Limitations Vs Application Test Requirements
- H/W, S/W & Platform Support of Tool Vs Application test Scope for these attributes.
- Tool License Limitations / Availability Vs Test Requirements.(Tools Scalability)
10) How you will evaluate the tool for test automation? Ans: Whenever a Tool has to be evaluated we need to go through few important verifications / validations of the tool like,
- Platform Support from the Tool.
- Protocols / Technologies Support.
- Tool Cost
- Tool Type with its Features Vs Our Requirements Analysis.
- Tool Usage Comparisons with other similar available tools in market.
- Tool’s Compatibility with our Application Architecture and Development Technologies.
- Tool Configuration & Deployment Requirements.
- Tools Limitations Analysis.
11) What are main benefits of test automation? Ans: The main benefits of Test Automation are,
- Test Automation Saves Major Testing Time.
- Saves Resources (Human / H/w / S/W resources)
- Reduction in Verification Slippages cased due to human errors.
- Object Properties Level Verifications can be done which is difficult manually.
- Virtual Load / Users Generation for load testing which is not worth doing manually as it needs lots of resources and also it might not give that precise results which can be achieved using a Automation Tool.
- Regression Testing Purposes.
- For Data Driven Testin
12) What could go wrong with test automation? Ans: While using Test Automation there are various factors that can affect the testing process like,
- Tool’s Limitations might result in Application Defects.
- Automation Tool’s abnormal behavior like Scalability Variations due to memory violations might be considered as Applications memory violation in heavy load tests.
- Environment Settings Required for Tool (e.g. Java-Corba required JDK to be present in System) causes Application to show up Bugs which are just due to the JDK installation in System which I had experienced myself as on un-installation of JDK and Java-Addins my application works fine.
13) How you will describe testing activities? Ans: The basic Testing activities are as follows,
- Test Planning (Pre-Requisite: Get Adequate Documents of the Project to test)
- Test Cases (Pre-Requisite: Get Adequate Documents of the Project to test)
- Cursor Test (A Very Basic Test to make sure that all screens are coming and application is ready for test or to automate)
- Manual Testing
- Test Automation (Provided if the product had reached Stability enough to be automated).
- Bug Tracking & Bug Reporting.
- Analysis of the Test and Test Report Creation.
- If Bug Fixing Cycle repeats then Steps c-h repeats.
14) What testing activities you may want to automate? Ans: Anything, which is repeated, should be automated if possible. Thus I feel following testing activities can be automated,
- Test Case Preparation
- Tests like Cursor, Regression, Functional & Load / Performance testing.
- Test Report Generation.
- Test Status/Results Notifications.
- Bug Tracking System. Etc.
15) Describe common problems of test automation. Ans: In Test Automation we come across several problems, out of which I would like to highlight few as given below,
- Automation Script Maintenance, which becomes tough if product gets through frequent changes.
- Automation Tool’s Limitations for objects Recognizing.
- Automation Tool’s Third Part Integration Limitations.
- Automation Tool’s abnormal behavior due to its Scalability Issues.
- Due to Tool’s Defects, We might assume its Application Defect and consider any issue as Application Bug.
- Environmental Settings and API’s / Addins Required by Tool to make it compatible to work with Specialized Environments like JAVA-CORBA creates JAVA Environmental Issues for the Application to work. (E.g. WinRunner 7.05 Java-Support Environmental Variables Creates Application Under Test to malfunction)
- There are many issues, which we come across while actual automation.
16) What types of scripting techniques for test automation do you know? Ans: Scripting Technique: how to structure automated test scripts for maximum benefit and Minimum impact of software changes, scripting issues, scripting approaches: linear, Shared, data-driven and programmed, script pre-processing, minimizing the impact of Software changes on test scripts. The major ones I had used are,
- Data-Driven Scripting
- Centralized Application Specific / Generic Compiled Modules / Library Development.
- Parent Child Scripting.
- Techniques to Generalize the Scripts.
- Increasing the factor of Reusability of the Script.
17) What are principles of good testing scripts for automation? Ans: The major principles of good testing script for Automation are,
- Automation Scripts should be reusable.
- Coding Standards should be followed for Scripting, which makes Script Updations, Understanding, Debugging easier.
- Scripts should be Environment, data Independent as much as possible which can be achieved using parameterization.
- Script should be generalize
- Scripts should be modular.
- Repeated Tasks should be kept in Functions while scripting to avoid code repeat, complexity and make script easy for debugging.
- Script should be readable and appropriate comments should be written for each line / section of script.
- Script Header should contain script developer name, script updated date, script environmental requirements, scripted environmental details, script pre-requisites from application side, script description in brief, script contents, script scope etc.
18) What tools are available for support of testing during software development life cycle? Ans: Test Director for Test Management, Bugzilla for Bug Tracking and Notification etc are the tools for Support of Testing.
19) Can the activities of test case design be automated? Ans: Yes, Test Director is one of such tool, which has the feature of Test Case Design and execution.
20) What are the limitations of automating software testing? Ans: If you talk about limitations of automating software testing, then I would like to mention few, which I had come across,
- Automation Needs lots of time in the initial stage of automation.
- Every tool will have its own limitations with respect to protocol support, technologies supported, object recognition, platform supported etc due to which not 100% of the Application can be automation because there is always something limited to the tool which we have to overcome with R&D.
- Tool’s Memory Utilization is also one the important factor which blocks the application’s memory resources and creates problems to application in few cases like Java Applications et
21) What skills needed to be a good test automator? Ans: If you talk about the skills required for Test Automator then the basic skills one should have are,
- Programming Skill.
- Any Procedural Language Basics like
- Generic Skill of Automation Tool’s Configuration and Deployment.
- Some basic knowledge of coding standards will be good to have.
- Skill to Interpret Results given by tool and perform analysis to reach the level to meet the requirements of the test.
22) How to find that tools work well with your existing system? Ans: While evaluating any tool we should ensure few things to make sure that it fits well to existing like,
- The tool should support our System Development and Deployment Technologies.
- Tool should have compatibility to work with all the third party tools used by our application.
- Tool should support all platforms that our application supports for deployment.
- There should be major environmental settings required by the tool to work for the application that might result in Problems for the existing system.
- Tool should not create any conflict with the other tools existing in current System. (g. There is Java-Corba-SSL Environmental Conflict if we have WinRunner 7.5 and LoadRunner 7.5 even when both tools have support for Java-Corba)
- Tool does not create any memory conflict issues for application.
23) What is Difference Between QA plan and Test Plan?
Ans: QA is more over prevention thing which works towards non occurance of error- were as tesplan come s in testin i.e in quality control which works towards how to identify defects/errors
24) What are all the key factors to write system test plan? Ans: keyfactors
25) If you have an application, but you do not have any requiremnts available, then how would you perform Ans: With out a requirements documents how can u develop an application. If it is developed without any requirements then the application is made with assumptions.Then testing is done depending on the assumptions made through application. In this case, if you are going to work for some company,
26) What is peer review in practical terms? Ans: Test cases written by a QA engineer will be reviewed (for correctness) by fellow QA Engineer.
27) Who approved your test cases? Ans: It depends on the organization. QA Lead, if present, will approve the test cas es. Otherwise, Peer Reviews are a good way of evaluating the test cases.
28) What will you when you find a bug? Ans: 1) Execute some more tests, to make clear what the bug EXCATLY is suppose, the test case failed when State=NY and Class=Business. Tester has to exceute some more tests to find out whether the problem is with Just ‘NY’ state or with just ‘Business’ class or with both of them together. 2) Report the bug
29) What test plans have you written? Ans: Master Test plan is usually prepared by QA Lead. Testers write Test Cases, which in some organizations are called as Test Plans.
30) What is QA? What is Testing? Are they both same or different? Ans: Testing is s ubset of QA. Testing is just a phase that comes after coding. But QA is the one that should be incorporated into the entire Software Development Life Cycle.
31) How to write Negative Testcase?Give Example Ans: Negative testcases are written based on thinking about AUT in a destructive manner in the sense,what happens if i test the application with irrelevant inputs.
32) In an application currently in production, one module of code is being modified. Is it necessary to re-test Ans: 1) Test the modified module 2) Test all the other modules/areas of the application whic h will have direct/indirect interaction with the modified module.
33) What is included in test strategy?What is overall process of testing step by step and what are various Ans: Test strategy is creating a procedure of how to test the software and creating a strategy what all to be tested(screens,process ,modules,..)and time limts for testing process(automated or manual). So everything has to be planned and implemented.Testing overall procedure is the duties of software test
34) what are you going to do if there is no Functional Spec or any documents related to the system and developer Ans: First of all, when a developer left then another one in or someone assigned to take care of the respons ibilities .Most of the functional testing needs more knowledge about the product then the code. Be familiarize with the code. Research similar product in the market. Increase communication with related
35) what is the difference between smoke testing and sanity testing Ans: Smoke testing is conducted by development people according to the clients requirements. The first test conducted by testing people when build is rec eived is called sanity sanity testing testing people check the basic functionality
24) What are all the key factors to write system test plan? Ans: keyfactors
25) If you have an application, but you do not have any requiremnts available, then how would you perform Ans: With out a requirements documents how can u develop an application. If it is developed without any requirements then the application is made with assumptions.Then testing is done depending on the assumptions made through application. In this case, if you are going to work for some company,
26) What is peer review in practical terms? Ans: Test cases written by a QA engineer will be reviewed (for correctness) by fellow QA Engineer.
27) Who approved your test cases? Ans: It depends on the organization. QA Lead, if present, will approve the test cas es. Otherwise, Peer Reviews are a good way of evaluating the test cases.
28) What will you when you find a bug? Ans: 1) Execute some more tests, to make clear what the bug EXCATLY is suppose, the test case failed when State=NY and Class=Business. Tester has to exceute some more tests to find out whether the problem is with Just ‘NY’ state or with just ‘Business’ class or with both of them together. 2) Report the bug
29) What test plans have you written? Ans: Master Test plan is usually prepared by QA Lead. Testers write Test Cases, which in some organizations are called as Test Plans.
30) What is QA? What is Testing? Are they both same or different? Ans: Testing is s ubset of QA. Testing is just a phase that comes after coding. But QA is the one that should be incorporated into the entire Software Development Life Cycle.
31) How to write Negative Testcase?Give Example Ans: Negative testcases are written based on thinking about AUT in a destructive manner in the sense,what happens if i test the application with irrelevant inputs.
32) In an application currently in production, one module of code is being modified. Is it necessary to re-test Ans: 1) Test the modified module 2) Test all the other modules/areas of the application whic h will have direct/indirect interaction with the modified module.
33) What is included in test strategy?What is overall process of testing step by step and what are various Ans: Test strategy is creating a procedure of how to test the software and creating a strategy what all to be tested(screens,process ,modules,..)and time limts for testing process(automated or manual). So everything has to be planned and implemented.Testing overall procedure is the duties of software test
34) what are you going to do if there is no Functional Spec or any documents related to the system and developer Ans: First of all, when a developer left then another one in or someone assigned to take care of the respons ibilities .Most of the functional testing needs more knowledge about the product then the code. Be familiarize with the code. Research similar product in the market. Increase communication with related
35) what is the difference between smoke testing and sanity testing Ans: Smoke testing is conducted by development people according to the clients requirements. The first test conducted by testing people when build is rec eived is called sanity sanity testing testing people check the basic functionality
i.e. whether all buttons are working or not etc.
36) What is Random Testing? Ans: Random data tests confort the application under test with input data generated at random.Typically,testers pay no attention to expect data types.They feed a random sequence of numbers,letters & characters into nummeric data field.
37) What is smoke testing? Ans: During this test test engineer reject build with reason, when that build is not working before testing process
38) what are the steps in volved in sanity testing? Ans: Sanity testing is same as smok e testing. It involves intial testing of the application or module just make sure wether it is stable enough to start testing. Mostly used as a bench mark to gather the readiness of the application for automated testing
39) What is the Difference Between Rational Robot & WinRunner ? Ans: WinRunner is just a functional Tool where as Robot, we can use it for both functional (GUI) and performance(VU).-> WR has 4 check points where as Robot has 13 verification points.
40) What is the testing process? Ans: Verifying that an input data produce the expected output.
41) What is the difference between testing and quality assurance (QA)? Ans: This question is surprisingly popular. However, the answer is quite simple. The goals of both are different: The goal of testing is to find the errors . The goal of QA is to prevent the errors in the program.
42) Difference between QA and QC? Ans: Simple definitions are: QA:assurance for process we r going to follow certain quality standards and strive for process improvement.we are not going to deal with product. The intension is to follow good quality standards. If we follow these automatically we are going to produce better/best
43) what is the difference between retest and regression testing? Ans: Hello friends regarding retesting and regression testing this is very important interview question which is asked for every one of as far as my knowledge.retesting:if any modifications are done in the application then testing that particular unit is retesting.regression testing
44) What is the difference between bug priority & bug severity? Ans: HiPrority : Urgenc y Of the BugSeverity : Impact of the Bug
45) What kinds of testing do you know? What is it system testing? What is it integration testing? Ans: You theoretical background and home work may shine in this question. System testing is a testing of the entire system as a whole. This is what user see and feels about the product you provide. Integration testing is the testing of integration of different modules of the system. Usually, the integration
46) What is a bug? What types of bugs do you know? Ans: Bug is a error during execution of the program. There are two types of bugs:
47) What is the difference between structural and functional testing? Ans: Structural is a “white box” testing and based on the algorithm or code. Functional testing is a “black box” (behavioral) testing where the tester verifies the functional specific action.
48) What is defect density? Ans: Defect density = Total number of defects/LOCHere the Total number of defects include the defects from Review and from the customer also
49) How would you test a mug (chair/table/gas station etc.)? Ans: First of all you must demand requirements and functional specification and design document of the mug. There will find requirements like ability to hold hot water, waterproof, stability, break ability and so on. Then you should test the mug according to all documents.
50) What is considered a successful test?
36) What is Random Testing? Ans: Random data tests confort the application under test with input data generated at random.Typically,testers pay no attention to expect data types.They feed a random sequence of numbers,letters & characters into nummeric data field.
37) What is smoke testing? Ans: During this test test engineer reject build with reason, when that build is not working before testing process
38) what are the steps in volved in sanity testing? Ans: Sanity testing is same as smok e testing. It involves intial testing of the application or module just make sure wether it is stable enough to start testing. Mostly used as a bench mark to gather the readiness of the application for automated testing
39) What is the Difference Between Rational Robot & WinRunner ? Ans: WinRunner is just a functional Tool where as Robot, we can use it for both functional (GUI) and performance(VU).-> WR has 4 check points where as Robot has 13 verification points.
40) What is the testing process? Ans: Verifying that an input data produce the expected output.
41) What is the difference between testing and quality assurance (QA)? Ans: This question is surprisingly popular. However, the answer is quite simple. The goals of both are different: The goal of testing is to find the errors . The goal of QA is to prevent the errors in the program.
42) Difference between QA and QC? Ans: Simple definitions are: QA:assurance for process we r going to follow certain quality standards and strive for process improvement.we are not going to deal with product. The intension is to follow good quality standards. If we follow these automatically we are going to produce better/best
43) what is the difference between retest and regression testing? Ans: Hello friends regarding retesting and regression testing this is very important interview question which is asked for every one of as far as my knowledge.retesting:if any modifications are done in the application then testing that particular unit is retesting.regression testing
44) What is the difference between bug priority & bug severity? Ans: HiPrority : Urgenc y Of the BugSeverity : Impact of the Bug
45) What kinds of testing do you know? What is it system testing? What is it integration testing? Ans: You theoretical background and home work may shine in this question. System testing is a testing of the entire system as a whole. This is what user see and feels about the product you provide. Integration testing is the testing of integration of different modules of the system. Usually, the integration
46) What is a bug? What types of bugs do you know? Ans: Bug is a error during execution of the program. There are two types of bugs:
- syntax
- logical
47) What is the difference between structural and functional testing? Ans: Structural is a “white box” testing and based on the algorithm or code. Functional testing is a “black box” (behavioral) testing where the tester verifies the functional specific action.
48) What is defect density? Ans: Defect density = Total number of defects/LOCHere the Total number of defects include the defects from Review and from the customer also
49) How would you test a mug (chair/table/gas station etc.)? Ans: First of all you must demand requirements and functional specification and design document of the mug. There will find requirements like ability to hold hot water, waterproof, stability, break ability and so on. Then you should test the mug according to all documents.
50) What is considered a successful test?
Ans: A test that disc overed more errors. The whole purpose of testing process is to discover as many bugs and errors as possible. Test that covers more functionality and discovers more errors in your software product, therefore considered more successful.
51) What bug tracking system did you use? Ans: Again and again, it does not matter what bug tracking system did you use if you made your homework and invented the name of such or mentioned a standard one. You may say you’ve used proprietary bug tracking system (works especially well if you previous company was this way or another dealing with databases)
52) When does testing begin – requirements, plan, design, code / testing phase? Ans: Obviously Testing will begins in requirement phase.
53) Could you test a program 100%? 90%? Why? Ans: Definitely not! The major problem with testing that you cannot calculate how many error are in the code, functioning etc. There are many factors involved such as experience of programmer, complexity of the system etc.
54) What is the difference between testing and debugging? Ans: Big difference is that debugging is conducted by a programmer and the programmer fix the errors during debugging phase. Tester never fixes the errors, but rather find them and return to programmer.
55) How would you conduct your test? Ans: Each test is based on the technical requirements of the software product.
56) Have you used automatic testing tools. Which ones? Ans: If you never have seen automation tools before, do not try to fool around the interviewer. You produce a bad impression when “caught” on lying to the interviewer. However, if you ever used the automation tools, it would be a huge advantage for us to mention them even if those tools were proprietary automation
57) How would you build a test with WinRunner? Rational Visual Test? Ans: First of all, see the comments to the previous question. Then, all automation testing tools I ever heard of have a GUI recorder which allows you to record the basic user interactions with the software underneath. Then, you manually update your initial script to suit your needs. You must know scripting
58) What is considered a good test? Ans: Good test is a test covering most of the object’s functionality.
59) How would you conduct a test: top-down or down-top? What is it? Which one is better? Ans: Down-Top: unit -> interface -> system. Top-Down is a vice versa. You may use both, but down- top allows to discover malfunctioning at earlier phases of development and cheaper to fix than in the case of top-down.
60) How to develop a test plan ? How to develop a test case? Ans: Test plan consists of test cases. Test cases you develop according to requirement and design documents of the unit, system etc. You may be asked what would you do if you are not provided with requirements documents. Then, you start creating your test cases based on functionality of the system you should
61) How do you see a QA role in the product development life cycle? Ans: QA should be involved in early stages of the development process in order to create an adequate test cases and better general understanding of the system. QA, however, must be separated from the development team to ensure that there is no influence of developers on QA engineers. As a last resort before
62) What is the size of your executable? Ans: 10MB Who cares? You should demonstrate that you can’t be caught with unexpected questions. This question is one of the dumbest, but you must react accordingly. Tell any reasonable number you want, but be careful not to exaggerate!
63) What version of Oracle database did you use? Ans: Homework. Tell any version number you want – not many interviewers know the difference at version level. However, do not tell any numbers if you never worked with Oracle!
64) How would you execute a SQL query in Oracle 8? Ans: Again, if you ever worked with Oracle, this question should be trivial for you to answer (from command prompt, of course) If you never worked with Oracle, note politely that you did not touch an Oracle database on your career path.
65) What version of OS were you using? Ans: Tell whatever you want – you can’t be caught here. Popular answers are Windows 95/98, Windows 2000 (make sure you know various flavors) and various Unix flavors (AIX, Solaris, SunOS, HPUX etc.)
66) Have you tested front-end of back-end? Ans: In other word you are asked if you tested GUI part of the application or server part of your application.
67) Why do you like to test?
Ans: You enjoy bug hunting process, feel great being between developers and customers, your background and experience are targeting the testing techniques enhancements and you feel proud of your contribution to the whole development process.
51) What bug tracking system did you use? Ans: Again and again, it does not matter what bug tracking system did you use if you made your homework and invented the name of such or mentioned a standard one. You may say you’ve used proprietary bug tracking system (works especially well if you previous company was this way or another dealing with databases)
52) When does testing begin – requirements, plan, design, code / testing phase? Ans: Obviously Testing will begins in requirement phase.
53) Could you test a program 100%? 90%? Why? Ans: Definitely not! The major problem with testing that you cannot calculate how many error are in the code, functioning etc. There are many factors involved such as experience of programmer, complexity of the system etc.
54) What is the difference between testing and debugging? Ans: Big difference is that debugging is conducted by a programmer and the programmer fix the errors during debugging phase. Tester never fixes the errors, but rather find them and return to programmer.
55) How would you conduct your test? Ans: Each test is based on the technical requirements of the software product.
56) Have you used automatic testing tools. Which ones? Ans: If you never have seen automation tools before, do not try to fool around the interviewer. You produce a bad impression when “caught” on lying to the interviewer. However, if you ever used the automation tools, it would be a huge advantage for us to mention them even if those tools were proprietary automation
57) How would you build a test with WinRunner? Rational Visual Test? Ans: First of all, see the comments to the previous question. Then, all automation testing tools I ever heard of have a GUI recorder which allows you to record the basic user interactions with the software underneath. Then, you manually update your initial script to suit your needs. You must know scripting
58) What is considered a good test? Ans: Good test is a test covering most of the object’s functionality.
59) How would you conduct a test: top-down or down-top? What is it? Which one is better? Ans: Down-Top: unit -> interface -> system. Top-Down is a vice versa. You may use both, but down- top allows to discover malfunctioning at earlier phases of development and cheaper to fix than in the case of top-down.
60) How to develop a test plan ? How to develop a test case? Ans: Test plan consists of test cases. Test cases you develop according to requirement and design documents of the unit, system etc. You may be asked what would you do if you are not provided with requirements documents. Then, you start creating your test cases based on functionality of the system you should
61) How do you see a QA role in the product development life cycle? Ans: QA should be involved in early stages of the development process in order to create an adequate test cases and better general understanding of the system. QA, however, must be separated from the development team to ensure that there is no influence of developers on QA engineers. As a last resort before
62) What is the size of your executable? Ans: 10MB Who cares? You should demonstrate that you can’t be caught with unexpected questions. This question is one of the dumbest, but you must react accordingly. Tell any reasonable number you want, but be careful not to exaggerate!
63) What version of Oracle database did you use? Ans: Homework. Tell any version number you want – not many interviewers know the difference at version level. However, do not tell any numbers if you never worked with Oracle!
64) How would you execute a SQL query in Oracle 8? Ans: Again, if you ever worked with Oracle, this question should be trivial for you to answer (from command prompt, of course) If you never worked with Oracle, note politely that you did not touch an Oracle database on your career path.
65) What version of OS were you using? Ans: Tell whatever you want – you can’t be caught here. Popular answers are Windows 95/98, Windows 2000 (make sure you know various flavors) and various Unix flavors (AIX, Solaris, SunOS, HPUX etc.)
66) Have you tested front-end of back-end? Ans: In other word you are asked if you tested GUI part of the application or server part of your application.
67) Why do you like to test?
68) What role do you see yourself in 2-3 years from now? Would you want to become a developer? Ans: You should not concentrate the attention of the interviewer on your wish to become a developer. You are being hired for testing role and you should demonstrate reliability. Team lead of QA team is OK, but do not answer yes when asked if you are willing to become a developer.

Bonjour. A curious dreamer enchanted by various languages, I write towards making technology seem fun here at Asha24.